Workshop on “Finding Peace in a Hurried World”

The Internal Quality Assurance Cell organised a workshop for teaching and non-teaching staff on the topic “Finding Peace in a Hurried World” on 21st January 2020 from 10:30 am- 12:30 pm in the Smart Classroom. The session began with the welcome address by the Principal, Dr. Prita D. Mallya. Dr. Shami Pai, IQAC Coordinator introduced the Resource Persons, Swami Chidanand, and Cdr Guruprasad.

The first session was by Cdr Guruprasad. He emphasized the importance of fitness and training. He said we should not panic in stressful situations. We should do those things which make us happy; knowing our unique purpose equips us with power. He concluded by saying that we should be like Vernal Sun, neither too hot nor too cold.

The second session was by Swami Chidanandji. He said that Integrity, Study and Meditation are the pillars of finding peace in a hurried world. He mentioned the three techniques of being happy 1) Slow down, observe, absorb and enjoy. 2) Slow down the thought factory by observation of breath, and 3) Chanting of Mantra/ Holy name to slow down the stress level.

Swamiji also mentioned about the various books which can be read for stress management, such as Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, Lady You Are the Boss, Lady You Are Not AMan, EQ Edge.

The workshop ended with the Vote of Thanks by the Vice-Principal, Dr. Rodney D’Silva.
