Career Guidance Talk

The Department of Computer Science and Career Cell organised a Career Guidance talk for BCA Students on 4th January, 2020 from 11:30 am to 1:15 pm. The Resource Person for the session was Mr. Kapil Dhawan.

The session began with the introduction of the Resource Person by Assistant Professor Mr. Sumit Kumar, Head, Department of Computer Science. Students were first asked about their preferred career option after graduation. Mr. Dhawan then informed the students about different job avenues available for them in Goa and outside. He emphasized the need to be skilled as companies are looking for skilled employees. Therefore, if the students are proficient in any technical skill, they will have a job in hand after graduation.

He suggested that students take up certificate courses in their areas of specialization where they can learn and enhance their skills. He further mentioned that students can learn in depth their areas of interest by undertaking online courses or watching online video tutorials.

At the end, students asked a number of questions, which were answered to their satisfaction. Students were happy to learn more details about the career options they have in their minds.

The interactive and inspiring session concluded with a Vote of Thanks by Mr. Sumit Kumar. The overall feedback received for the session and the Resource Person was positive.
