One Day State Level Workshop for the Banking and Financial Services Courses

The Department of Economics and Banking organized a ‘One Day State Level Workshop for the Banking and Financial Services Elective Courses at TY B.Com’ (DSE-5, DSE-6, DSE-7 and DSE-8 currently taught at Semester VI, TY B.Com) on 11th December, 2019 from 9.30 a.m. in the Smart Classroom. The objective of the workshop was to clarify the scope of the syllabus so as to ensure uniformity in curriculum delivery across all Colleges offering the paper. Six colleges, represented by 15 faculty members teaching these courses participated in the workshop. Dr. Lira M. Gama, Head, Dept. of Economics & Banking, welcomed the participants and briefed them about the workshop.

The colleges represented at the workshop were:

St. Xavier’s College, Mapusa

S.S. Dempo College of Commerce & Economics, Cujira

SVVM’s College of Commerce, Borim

M.E.S. College of Arts & Commerce, Zuarinagar

D.M’s College and Research Centre, Assagao

VVM’s Shree Damodar College of Commerce & Economics, Margao


Faculty members were divided into 4 Elective-wise groups:

Law and Practice of Banking –I(DSE-5)

Ms. Zarina Chowdary, St. Xavier’s College, Mapusa

Ms. Manalee Sinari, S.S. Dempo College of Commerce & Economics, Cujira

Dr. Vishal Chari, VVM’s Shree Damodar College of Commerce& Economics, Margao

Law and Practice of Banking-II (DSE-6)

Ms.Victoriya Rodrigues, St.Xavier’s College, Mapusa

Ms. Gayatri Behare, SVVM’s College of Commerce, Bori

Dr. Amitha Shanbhogue, S.S. Dempo College of Commerce & Economics, Cujira

Ms. Teja Temkar, M.E.S College of Arts & Commerce, Zuarinagar

Dr. Lira M. Gama, VVM’s Shree Damodar College of Commerce & Economics, Margao

Financial Services (DSE-7)

Ms. Sandra Fernandes, St. Xavier’s College, Mapusa

Mr. Gulam Ansari, S.S. Dempo College of Commerce & Economics, Cujira

Ms. ThomasinJoliza D’Souza, M.E.S. College of Arts & Commerce, Zuarinagar

Ms. Chaitali P Parker, D.M’s College and Research Centre, Assagao

Ms. Stesa Elsie Pereira, VVM’s Shree Damodar College of Commerce & Economics, Margao

Credit and Risk Management in Banking (DSE-8)

Mr. Carmelito G. DeSouza, St. Xavier’s College, Mapusa

Ms. Lizette D’Costa, VVM’s Shree Damodar College of Commerce & Economics, Margao


The participants went through the prescribed reference books and discussed the syllabus in detail.The syllabus was clearly defined and the discussion among group members helped to clear all doubts related to the respective Elective papers. The workshop ended at 1.30 p.m. with the objectives fulfilled.
