BCA Students Participation in GDG DEVFEST HACKATHON 2019

Two Students of the Dept. of Computer Science, Mr. Jaynold Barreto and Mr. Siddhant Kholkar participated in the 24 hours Hackathon at Google Developer Group DevFest 2019 on 28th& 29th September. As a part of DevFest 2019, there were 2 sub-events. The first was Battle Ground, a 24 hours hackathon for students. The second was Fest, which involved Speaker sessions by Googlers, Google Developer Experts, TedX Speaker, Community Leads, CEO’s etc.

The students participated in Battle Ground. For this event, they were provided with problem statements. From the problem statements mentioned to them, they chose to create a website on spreading awareness on the rising climate crisis.

The students started off at 11am on the first day, by designing the interface which included the UI/UX aspect of the website, which took about 6 hours of their allotted time. In the next step they started learning the technologies that were required i.e. CSS animations, bootstrap and Ajax which took them about 8 hours. Students were able to complete upto the CSS animations into their website. Further the step that followed was development and simultaneous testing of the website.

The students took turns in taking quick power naps as it was a continuous 24 Hour event. They did face multiple hurdles along the way such as technical failures and decline in their motivation to continue. However, they were glad to have this experience as they got the opportunity to interact with many interesting people (fellow participants) and to also learn and implement new knowledge throughout the 24 hours Hackathon.

At the end of the 24 Hours Hackathon on the next day at 11am, each group presented their product focusing on the features and functionality. There were three judges, who were impressed by the efforts put in by our students in designing a beautiful and functionally robust system. The Hackathon concluded on a motivating note by the judges who expressed their delight on seeing remarkable work done by all the students.

The BCA students had a never-before experience which made them more intuitive towards their learning with speed and overcoming hurdles in their way. The Computer Science department congratulated the students for a fruitful participation in the Hackathon.
