Guest Lecture on “Hands-on Equity Trading”

The Faculty Development Cell organised a guest lecture on the topic “Hands-on Equity Trading” on 11th October, 2019, in the Smart Class Room from 12.15  to 1.15 p.m. Mr. Sandesh Gaonkar, Assistant Professor in Commerce and Management introduced the Resource Person, Mr. Rayes Efthie, Principal (Client Relations) of IIFL Wealth Management. The teachers in charge were Dr. Lira Gama and Mr. Sandesh Gaonkar. The aim of this session was to create awareness about smart investment plans amongst faculty members. Around twenty three teachers attended the session.

Mr. Rayes Efthie acquainted faculty members with different investment avenues. He advised that one can invest smartly by doing SIPs or invest lump sum amount depending upon volatility in the market. He shared his wisdom on how to beat inflation by adding value to money through Risk Free Returns and Risk Adjusted Returns. He elaborated on how to create wealth for retirement, education, marriage and dream holidays, which provides security, emergency funds and reduce debts.

The faculty was enlightened on how to do Equity Trading and which factors are to be considered while picking up the right stock. At the end of the session Mr. Efthie explained the working of derivatives markets and its concepts i.e. Forward, Futures, Option and Currency derivatives. Mr. Sandesh Gaonkar proposed the Vote of Thanks. The session concluded at 1.15 pm.
