Session on Careers in IT

The Dept of Computer Science and the Career Cell jointly organized a session on Careers in IT for 60 BCA and B.Voc. students on 14th September at 09.00 am. The resource person for the session was Mr. Jervis Pereira, Vice President, Goa Technology Association.

The session started with the introduction of the Resource Person by Assistant Professor Mrs. Surekha Patil. Mr. Jervis Pereira initiated the session by posing the Question “What’s NEXT?” to students. He requested students to write down the answer for the same. He also asked students to write down the name of three IT companies they wish to join after graduation. He informed the students that there are 250 IT & ITES companies in Goa and they need required skills with their graduation certificate. Companies are looking out for skilled employees and do not wish to spend time on training employees with basic skills. He further mentioned that it is likely that in the next two years, the number of IT companies will grow and reach 500. Therefore if the students are proficient in any of the technical skills, they have a job in hand after graduation.

He requested students to take up some certification courses where they can learn and enhance their skills. He further mentioned that students should take up part-time jobs which will help them in learning and increase their self-confidence. Part time jobs taken may be in any area, as they help to face the world and to overcome obstacles. He mentioned students to select their area of interest and identify the companies working in these areas.  Students may get themselves ready for the job by knowing the company eligibility requirements and skills expected.

He ended his session requesting students to ask questions. He answered students’ questions and also informed them about the job vacancies existing in Goa.

The interactive and inspiring session concluded with the thanking note by Mrs. Surekha Patil. The overall feedback received for the session and the resource person was positive. Students were happy to know details about the career choices they had in their minds.
