Participation in TECH WEEK at Chowgule College

Students of the Dept. of Computer Science participated in a one week workshop  – TECH WEEK with  hands-on sessions on three different technologies organized by Parvatibai Chowgule College from 26th to 31stAugust. TYBCA Students, Sherwyn Rodrigues and Akshay Verlekar attended the sessions on Node Js+ Express. Siddhant Kholkar attended the session on Spring Framework and Shreya Naik, Semiulla Yallapur and Pranav Rivankar attended the sessions on React.js.

All the students were provided with the installation software beforehand to be installed on their laptops and they were introduced to these new technologies.

Sherwyn & Akshay mentioned that they were introduced to node js and were given an exercise to create a website and connect it to a backend database MongoDB. They were shown examples about how it works and were given the task of designing three webpages namely a login form, a signup and a main task list page which loads after login. Tasklist page had other functions like adding tasks and specifying its status which they implemented. They said the session was very helpful as it made it easier for them to apply the knowledge in their final year project. Siddhant mentioned that the session on Spring Framework was very inspiring for him to learn more about the technology.


Semiulla, Shreya and Pranav mentioned that the session clearly made the students understand React js and its importance. The students also got information about various organisations that use react js namely, NASA, Tesla and social networking site Facebook. The various extensions of React like jsx, babel, ECMA script and web pack were explained. The students designed forms, tables and learnt database connectivity and props in react.js. All of this practical work helped them understand the technology usage more appropriately.


All the students said they were more motivated to learn new technologies and be more productive in their work. The students expressed their gratitude to Shree Damodar College for giving them the opportunity to attend such workshops and to Parvatibai Chowgule College for organising TECH WEEK.
