Inter-class Quiz competition on the topic “Banking Sector and Business Houses operating in India”

The Cultural Council of the College organised an inter-class Quiz competition on the topic “Banking Sector and Business Houses operating in India” on 22nd August 2019.  The objective of this event was to create awareness of the importance of Banking Sector and Business Houses operating in India among the undergraduate (UG) level students. In total, there were 7 teams (14 students) who participated from all the undergraduate programs. The competition was held at 5 levels: Preliminary Round (Elimination round), Question Answer series, Abbreviations, Identifying Logos and Personalities, Audio and the Buzzer Round. The top four teams with the highest scores were selected for the next level, i.e. the abbreviation round. Round 3 was a picture round where the picture was displayed on the screens and the teams guessed the answers. Round 4 was an audio round and round 5 was a buzzer round.  M.Com students formed the major part of audience. Questions not answered by teams were passed on to the audience. The audience was very enthusiastic in answering the questions.

The results were declared at the end. The first place was won by Mr. Samarth and Mr. Abhishek Dessai from SY B.Com C, the second place by Mr. Amey Natekar and Mr. Mohan from SY BBA(FS) -B and the third place was secured by Mr. Hemant and Vikas Shenvi from TY B.Com A. Overall the event was a great success imparting highlights about events, policies, institutions, personalities dealing in the Banking and Business houses in India.

The teachers in charge of the event were Ms. Seema Dharani and Mr. Shrikant Madar; the students in charge were Mr. Jackson and Ms. Shreya Rahate. The student volunteers who helped make the event a success were Prasidhi Naik, Tushar Naik,  Queency,  Blessy, Ankita, Arya, Ipshita Singh, Kedar Sawant and Disha.
