Guest Lecture on Marketing Management

The M.Com Department organized a Guest Lecture in Marketing Management on 27th August 2019. The Resource Person was Ms. Priya Almeida, Founder, Brand Me Institute of Holistic Development. 5 students attended.

The objectives of the session were

  1. To acquaint students with the concept of International Marketing as a viable career option.
  2. To bridge the gap between industry expectations and classroom learning w.r.t. International Marketing.
  3. To brief students as to how simple concepts learned well, could help them design and develop international projects.

The Guest Lecture on the topic of ‘International Marketing’ commenced at 11:00 a.m. in the M.Com Classroom. The Resource Person was introduced to the audience by Ms. Priya Pai Vaidya.

Ms. Almeida initially started by interacting with the students and inquiring about their future goals and ambitions. She gave them examples of Goan Brands started by Goans that have crossed boundaries and are very successful in international markets such as Costa Foods, Goan Foods, Vinicola, etc. She motivated students to take up what they are most passionate about and create jobs rather than just being job seekers. She asked students to think as to how their hobbies could be exploited to become a potential international brand.

She then introduced them to the concept of International Marketing and explained how it is different from traditional sales and marketing in India. She explained the importance of International Marketing in today’s world and how there are different ways in which a small business could scale up and enter international markets. She also told students about how suspicious International Markets are with reference to Indian products and services and why none of the Indian Brands are having a dominant market share and position. She also gave real life examples as to how Indians are culturally diverse compared to their international counterparts in areas relating to Work cultures, Discipline, Stereotypes, Quality Issues and Hygiene etc. to name a few and how these affect Indian Companies in the international arena. She briefed students with reference to the Global expectations from India and how we fail to meet these expectations. Later she also asked students to learn new concepts like Digital Marketing, Web Designing, Analytics etc. so that they could be International Marketers and earn and work in India itself. These courses could also help them scale globally and take up small assignments and projects for International companies. As Ms. Almeida was concluding her session she asked students to dream big, think big and work towards it. She asked them to follow the mantra ‘Think globally and Act locally’. The session concluded at 1:00 p.m. with Ms. Anisha Cardozo proposing the Vote of Thanks. The session was very interactive and informative as students clarified their doubts.
