NSS Session on Dry Waste Segregation

The NSS Unit of VVM’s Shree Damodar College of Commerce & Economics organised a session on garbage segregation by Ms. Janaki Mulay on 16th August 2019 at 12 pm. Mr. Ainsley Bernard introduced the speaker for the session. Ms. Janaki Mulay, a law graduate from Goa and a Company Secretary by profession,is passionate about environment protection. She spoke about the various types of waste generated by households on a regular basis and how segregation can go a long way in reducing waste going to landfills. This problem has become both, urgent and important, in view of the prevailing issues at the Sonsoddo dump, and the overall problem in Goa of finding garbage dumping places.

In an attempt to promote segregation of dry waste, Ms. Mulay invited NSS Volunteers to be a part of the dry waste collection drive that will be organised by Mahila Mandal. This will give them practical understanding of segregation. The resource person solicited questions from the NSS volunteers. 49 volunteers attended and appreciated the session. Ms. Sharmila Kunde presented a potted plant to Ms. Janaki Mulayas a token of appreciation. The session ended with the Vote of Thanks proposed by an SYB.Com volunteer.
