Session in “Strong Financial System: A step towards Economic development”

The Finance Dept of the College invited a guest faculty from industry, Mr. Ganesh Kothatha, MBA, AFP, Life Planner (USA), Founder of Wealth Doctors, Goa to address Final Year BBA(FS) students.


The main aim of the session was to introduce students to the Financial System in India. Mr. Kothatha enlightened the students about the different Regulators i.e SEBI, RBI, IRDAI, PFRDA and their role. He repeatedly stressed the importance of Investments and how important it is for every individual to start investing before the age of 25 years.

Mr. Kothatha briefed the students about the drastic changes that have taken place in the financial system over the years. He also explained about the transparency maintained and actions taken by Securities & Exchange Board of India with regards to fraudulent activities of companies.

Mr. Kothatha also discussed the working of Equity and Debt Markets and the risks associated with dealings in both markets.

Students found the session very interesting and also asked Mr. Kothatha several questions. Overall it was a very interesting and fruitful session.
