A Talk on “Write Your Destiny”

A Talk on “Write Your Destiny” was organized by the Department of Computer Science on Wednesday, 26 June 2019. The Resource Persons were 1) Mrs. Shreedevi Rogi ,Write Your Destiny, Founder and Honcho and 2) Mr.Veeresh Patil , Write Your Destiny, MD and Chief Evangelist.   The focus of the talk was to interact with students, emphasizing the role of deciding on a goal and working towards achieving it. The students were made to realise the importance of planning one’s destiny and being successful in an area of their interest.

The talk also opened doors of opportunities available to students in space technology and atomic research projects. The resource person proposed to conduct sessions on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to prepare the students to be at par with the present world of technologies. TYBCA and SYBCA students benefited from the talk and requested to have more such talks in future.
