Talk on Sexual Harrassment at Workplace

A talk on ‘Sexual Harrassment at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition & Redressal) Act, 2013’ was conducted to create an awareness about the same amongst the students and the teachers of the college.  According to the Act every person studying/working in an educational institution also has to be cognizant about the same.  The resource person, Ms. Siddhi Parodkarbriefed the audience on different aspects amounting to sexual harassment, the law pertaining to it, the requirements for the constitution of the Internal Complaints Committee(ICC) and the penalties that could be imposed on non-compliance of such requirements.  She informed students on different situations wherein females were made victim and sexual favours were expected of them.  The resource person used practical and real incidences that happened in the past and alerted the students.  She also warned students about the use of multimedia and it impact on the women if misused.  The Act was made very simple for the students.  The session was very interactive.  A total of 199 attended the talk comprising of 12 teachers and 187 students.  It was indeed a motivational talk for the female attendees of the session.  A similar talk would be organized for the non-teaching staff also, in order to give them cognizance of the Act. This will be a regular activity for the new entrants in the college, i.e. teachers and students in the beginning of every year.
