Graduation and Farewell of M.Com Part II

The Graduation and Farewell function for the M.Com Part II was organized on 11th April 2019. The M.Com Part I students conducted the function on the theme ‘Oscars’ at the college GD Auditorium. The program began at 11:00 a.m. where the students walked in wearing graduation gowns, with lighted candles along with the Vice Principal Dr. Rodney D’Silva and the M.Com faculty Asst. Prof.Mrs. Sheryl Da’ Silva, Asst. Prof.Mr. Frazer Taylor and Asst. Prof.Mr.AkshayNaik.

Students of M.Com Part I presented a short program to entertain their seniors to the fullest. They also had a presentation of all the activities of the past 2 years, which gave a flashback to all their college memories. Some exciting games and spot prizes were organised for them.

The second edition of the M.Com bulletin, ‘M.Com Insider’ was released by the Vice Principal and the Faculty of the department.

The Vice Principal and other faculty members wished the students the best for their future endeavours. They asked them to do their best and face life’s challenges with confidence. Further, the program was made memorable with a few memories that were shared by some seniors in their speech that created an emotional moment. They expressed their deep love and gratitude towards the institution and teachers.
