Outreach Activity

The College conducted an outreach activity at Govt. High School Morpirla in the interior part of South Goa, on 16th March, 2019 from 8.30 to 10.30 a.m. The Headmistress and teachers greatly appreciated the activity. It was fruitful and the objectives of the outreach activity were met.

This outreach activity was initiated by faculty members Mr. Sandesh G. Gaonkar and Mr. Gajanan Haldankar and four SY B.Com students – Raju Gupta, YakshitaVengurlekar, Runal Thakur and Aylmer Fernandes – were involved.

The session began with some activities wherein all students showed keen interest. The College students conducted five games; each game conveyed a message to students such as importance of team work, brainstorming and thinking out of box, importance of fitness, etc. To motivate the students, they were given spot prizes and some sweets.

The College students also gave the school children a talk on leadership:

In each of us there is leader. In fact, we all are leaders, only you need to tap your hidden potentials. Some say leaders are born, some say leader are made by developing characteristics. Leaders often fail but they grow from experiences and become strong. Leader can be anyone “If his action inspires other to dream more, learn more, do more and become more”.

The children were then given a perfect example of motivational leadership.

Which is the biggest or fat animal in Jungle? –Elephant

Which is the tallest animal in jungle? – Giraffe

Which is the wisest animal? – Fox

Which is the fastest animal? – Cheetah

Among all the wonderful qualities mentioned above, there is no Lion in the picture. Yet we believe or say, “The Lion is the King of Jungle”. And he is, in fact, a leader of the Jungle. Why? Because he is courageous, he is bold, he is ready to face all challenges and any barrier that he comes across on his path, no matter how big or bad they are. He walks with confidence, he dares anything and is never afraid. He is a risk-taker, he believes he is unstoppable. He believes any animal is food for him, he believes any opportunity is worth giving a try and never lets it slip from his hands.

The Lion has charisma, so what we get to learn from the lion is: we don’t need to be fastest, wisest, smartest, most brilliant, all we need is to be courageous, be bold, have the will to try and faith to believe it is possible, and lastly belief in ourselves that we can do it. It’s time to bring out the Lion in you.

The session ended with thanks from the teachers and children, and a request for repeat sessions.
