Guest Lecture on Practice of Insurance and Specialised Accounting

Life and General Insurance have an inevitable societal importance. Life insurance can fill several different financial needs. Innovations, ideas and businesses exist in relief only because of products that cover property against Fire and allied perils, flood storm, earthquake and burglary, theft etc. Insurance sector is also a very important and growth oriented career prospect for Commerce students.

In consideration to this, the faculty members teaching Practice of Insurance and Specialised Accounting facilitated a talk by Guest faculty Mr. Yogesh Nagvenkar, Executive Chief Agency Partner with Kotak Life Insurance

Margao-Goa.  Mr Yogesh, was accompanied by Mr. Alban Vales, State Head for Kotak Life Insurance, Margao –Goa

45 students in total from the two divisions attended the session.

The interactive session begin with Mr. Alban Vales highlighting the growing importance of Life insurance with the help of a story. He spoke about claims processing, Insurance marketing, innovative styles of convincing a prospective insured, etc.

Further, Mr. Yogesh then spoke about Career opportunities for students in the Life Insurance sector, and shared his experience of starting as an agent to becoming the owner of an Executive Chief Agency Partner with Kotak Life Insurance. This session was interactive and was especially significant because Mr. Yogesh is an alumnus of Damodar College, and he shared his experience as a Commerce student and motivated students to start an early career due to increasing competition.

Faculty members in charge: Ms. Saylee Kuncolienker and Ms. Prachi Kolamker
