Voters Awareness Session

The BBA(FS) Department of the College organized a session on Voters Awareness for First Year and Second year BBA(Financial Services) and Third Year B.Com students, on 18th of February, 2019 at 11:00 am in the Smart Classroom. A total of 49 students attended the session (32 Female and 17 Male)

The session was conducted by the Assistant Electoral Registration Officer/ Mamlatdar, Salcete Goa and members of Election Commission, Margao. Mr. Agostinho Fernandes – Music Instructor, Ms. Marianela Dias – Folk Artist, Mr. Siddharth Yaji – Theatre Artist, Ms. Verma D’Mello – Fashion Designer; Mr. Govind Bhagat – Professor at Goa Engineering College were the invitees for the session.

Mr. Govind Bhagat explained the importance of voting through a game called ‘Mat-Disha’ wherein the students had to identify the character described as a literate or illiterate. This game helped students to grasp some basic information and get rid of certain misconceptions related to the elections. The session was followed by a demonstration on the working of an Electronic Voting Machine. The students were also educated on applying online for the registration of new voter.

The session ended on a good note by requesting the students to spread the knowledge among their family and friends. Asst. Prof. Ms. Cinola Vaz delivered the vote of thanks.
