Community Outreach And Extension Activity

A Community and Outreach Extension Activity of the Department of Economics and Banking of VVM’s Shree Damodar College of Commerce & Economics was conducted for the students of Infant Jesus High School, Cuncolim on the 29th of January 2019. The session was conducted by Asst. Prof. Averyl Pires, Department of Economics and Banking along with Ms. Dnyanada Prabhudessai, Ms. Manjula Upar and Ms. Suveda Prabhu of FY B.Com on the topic “Poverty as a challenge”.

The objective of the activity was to enable our college students to get an experience of working for a social cause and to help school students understand the economic problems of the country and its implications specifically poverty.

Asst. Prof. Averyl Pires introduced the topic and its relevance. Further, Ms. Dnyanada Prabhudessai discussed the meaning, types and various measurements of poverty. Ms. Manjula Upar explained the various causes of poverty in India. The remedies to reduce poverty were discussed by Ms. Suveda Prabhu. The session was made lively by presenting a video to the students to explain the concept of poverty in India and its implications.

Towards the end, a quiz was conducted for the students and the winners were presented with prizes. The session enlightened the students to become true global citizens by embracing a sense of togetherness and cooperation in order to reduce poverty. The students were very enthusiastic and wanted to know more about the topic and other related issues.

The session was attended by 30 students from the ninth standard of Infant Jesus High School along with the Headmistress Ms. Radha Prabhudessai and the Economics teacher Ms. Alpana Prabhugaonkar. From the conduct and enthusiasm of our College students as well as the students of Infant Jesus High school, it could be said that the Community Outreach and Extension Activity was successful and fruitful. The vote of thanks was proposed by Asst. Prof. Averyl Pires.
