Farewell Function for Mr. Satyavan Prabhu

The Recreation Cell of VVM’s Shree Damodar College of Commerce & Economics, Margao, organized the Farewell Function for Mr. Satyavan Prabhu, Library Attendant. The function was held on 28th January, 2019 at 12.00 noon in the Smart Classroom. Mr. Satyavan Prabhu joined the institution on 1st February 1984 and has completed 34 years of service to this institution.

The Principal, Dr. Prita Mallya, welcomed the gathering and thanked Mr. Satyavan  Prabhu for his dedicated service to the College and wished him the very best for the next stage in his life. She highlighted his cheerful nature and his positive attitude at all times, despite his personal problems. She also thanked Dr. Shekhar Naik, Assistant Director of Academics, Directorate of Higher Education for his presence at the function.

Dr. Shekhar Naik, Assistant Director of Academics, Directorate of Higher Education addressed the audience on the farewell occasion and presented a token of gratitude to Mr. Prabhu on behalf of the Directorate of Higher Education. He stated that the Directorate of Higher Education has decided to present the pension papers as a gift to the retiring teachers. Principal Dr. Prita Mallya commended this initiative taken by the Directorate of Higher Education stating that it has saved a lot of trouble for the retiring teachers who had to otherwise visit the Accounts Department in order to follow up regarding their pension papers.

Dr. Rodney D’Silva, Vice Principal, in his address praised Mr. Satyavan for his dedicated service and wished him all the best for the next stage in his life.

Mrs. Manasi Rege, Librarian, shared her pleasant experience of working with Mr. Satyavan. Student of F. Y. B.Com Mr. Ivan Pereira narrated interesting anecdotes of his experiences interacting with Mr. Satyavan.

Lastly, Mr. Satyavan Prabhu addressed the gathering. He thanked the College for organizing the farewell function and acknowledging his dedicated service to the institution. He also thanked the Management of Vidya Vikas Mandal and all the teaching and non teaching staff for their support and cooperation through all the years.

The Principal Dr. Prita Mallya, Vice Principal Dr. Rodney D’Silva and Mr. Kuvelkar, Executive Secretary – VVM, presented a Citation and a Memento to Mr. Satyavan Prabhu, as a symbol of gratitude and appreciation.

The vote of thanks was proposed by Dr. Lira Gama, Convener, Recreation Cell.
