Session on Research Methodology

The M.Com department organised a two day session in Research Methodology on the Use of Statistical Tools for Dissertation for the students of M.Com Part II. The session was held on 23rd & 24th January 2019 from 1.00 to 3.00 pm. The resource person for the session was Dr. Vishal Chari, Asst. Professor in Economics. The session aimed at guiding the students in using statistical tools such as SPSS and Gretl for their dissertation.

The session covered the following core concepts:

Various statistical tools to be used

Selecting the right techniques and models in data analysis

Practical knowledge of Gretl, Excel and SPSS

On the first day, the resource person focused on different statistical tools which can be used in data analysis. Since some of the students are using comparative analysis in their dissertations, different comparison techniques were highlighted. Dr. Chari explained different types of scales such as 5-point Likert scale and also elaborated upon structuring of the questionnaire. The session was interactive and informative.

The second day was in the nature of a practical session, wherein students simultaneously performed the analysis on their personal laptops. The resource person explained the different types of data i.e. time series, cross-sectional and panel data. Various other aspects such as entering the data in Excel and SPSS, importing the data in Gretl, different types of tests such as correlation, regression, OLS were covered systematically. The session was very informative and will help the students in their dissertation as well as in other research work.
