Guest Lecture on Transfer Pricing

A guest lecture was conducted for the Costing students of Third Year (A+C) on 22nd January 2019. The lecture began at 9:00AM in Room no.213 and was attended by 32 students. The guest faculty was Ms. Dhanashree Gajanan Kurundwadkar, Audit Senior at BDO, Verna.

The resource person started the lecture by asking a question to the students as to “Why Transfer Pricing”, she later emphasized on the legal provisions related to Transfer Pricing, She stated an example of HUL and Unilever and explained the pre and post effect on the profit of the company due to Transfer pricing and also stressed on Sec 92 which deals with charging section related to Transfer pricing. She than explained Section 92 B: International Transaction and introduced the students to Sec 92A: Associated Enterprise. The students were asked to give some names of associated companies to which the students listed Tata Group, Unilever and so on. She also explained the concept of arms length price and also stressed on the various methods of computing the arms length price like Comparable Uncontrolled Price Method, Resale Price Method, Cost plus Method, Profit Split Method, Transaction Net Margin Method. Each method listed above was explained with the help of a practical problem which indeed helped the students in understanding the methods well. She also covered topics like Information & Documents to be maintained for transfer pricing. Lastly Ms. Kurundwadkar dealt with Sec 92E, wherein she stated that the Report of the Chartered Accountant should be filed in form 3CEB and the date of filing is 30th November of the Assessment Year. The students appreciated the lecture and found it useful. The session ended at 9:45am after some interaction between the guest faculty and the students.
