Athletic Meet

The Department of Physical Education and Sports along with the Sports Council of Shree Damodar College of Commerce & Economics conducted an Athletic Meet and Inter class Tug of War on 11th and 12th December 2018.

A total of 95 participants took part in the event, of whom 60 were males and 45 females. Different events conducted in the Athletic meet were as follows

Running Jumping Throwing

  1. 100 Meter Long Jump Shot put
  2. 200 Meter Javelin Throw
  3. 400 Meter Discuss Throw
  4. 800 Meter Hammer Throw

5 1500 Meter

Results of Athletic Meet ( Men)

Names of the Participants Event Position
  1. Subhod Revenkar
  2. Nausabh Mulla
  3. Amrut Virdikar
100 Meters Run First Place

Second Place

Third Place

1.Nausabh Mulla

2.Menjoy Rodrigues

  1. Daniel Fernandes
200 Meter Run First Place

Second Place

Third Place

  1. Nausabh Mulla
  2. Purushottam N.
400 Meters Run First Place

Second Place

1.Amrut Virdikar

2.Juvot Costa

3.Purushottam N.

1500 Meters Run First Place

Second Place

Third Place

1 Vishnu Rasur

2 Rajshekar Mandrekar

3 Sohail Islam

Shot Put First Place

Second Place

Third Place

1 Pathan Gaus Khan

2 Kamlesh Purohit

3 Abhishek Vernekar

Javelin Throw First Place

Second Place

Third Place

1 Abhishek Vernekar

2 Sanket Naik

3 Vishnu Rasur

Discuss Throw First Place

Second Place

Third Place

1 Sohail Islam

2 Vishnu Rasur

3 Habib Shaikh

Hammer Throw First Place

Second Place

Third Place

1 Menjoy Rodrigues

2 Ritlal Sharma

3 Nausabh Mulla

Long Jump First Place

Second Place

Third Place

Results of Athletic Meet ( Women)

Names of the Participants Event Position
1 Emilia Silveira

2 Sarita Sathe

3 Lancia Mascarenhas

100 Meters Run First Place

Second Place

Third Place

1 Quinsha Fernandes

2 Sarita Sathe

3 Panchami Bandodkar

200 Meter Run First Place

Second Place

Third Place

1 Quinsha Fernandes

2 Emilia Silveira

3 Panchami Bandodkar

400 Meters Run First Place

Second Place

Third Place

1 Sonal Gaonkar 1500 Meters Run First Place
1 Kiran Fernandes

2 Shaheen Sayed

3 Shriya Telgu

Shot Put First Place

Second Place

Third Place

1 Vidhisha Khandekar Javelin Throw First Place
1 Vidhisha Khandekar

2 Renuka Kumbhar

3 Shaheen Sayad

Discuss Throw First Place

Second Place

Third Place

1 Danali Mascarenhas

2 Devika C.C

Long Jump First Place

Second Place

The Inter class Tug of War was won by SY B.Com A and TY B.Com D were Runners Up for the competition.
