Session on Digital Marketing

The BCA Dept. of Shree Damodar College of Commerce & Economics conducted a session on Digital Marketing on 8th September for the SY & TY BCA students. The resource person for the session was Ms. Juwelia Fernandes, an alumnus of the College and presently working as a Digital Marketing Analyst at DistribuTech LLC, Dubai-UAE.

The session covered the following topics

Introduction:  The introduction was based on “Transfer of Industry Knowledge” as a key takeaway from the session. The evolution from hunter-gatherer age, to agrarian age, industry age and now to the technology age was showcased to put forth the importance of being in pace with the technology / information world.

The 4 Blocks for any Business Unit – Customer Engagement, ERP Solutions, Efficiency Solution and Cyber Security & Threat are the major components for any business unit and the objective of each is to create value to the stakeholders.

Digital Marketing – Concept & Opportunities Available – In this module, the Customer Life Cycle Journey (Acquire, Engage, Retain, Advocate, Retarget) and the concept of Communicating value to the customers using digital channels was covered in detail, along with explaining the various channels of digital communication (onsite and offsite channels of communication).

As per their skill set and interest, how one can take up digital marketing as a career was opened up to the students and a snippet on the Job profiles in the Digital Marketing industry was discussed upon.

Relativity between BCA Course & the Corporate World – A key discussion was, mapping the course subjects to that to the industry demand. As BCA students, how they already have an upper hand and more exposure to the real life industry demand was conveyed.

The session concluded with a Q&A session. A highly interactive response was received by the students during this open Q & A session. The session was very well appreciated by the students as it opened up another avenue for them to consider as a career option.
