Industry Interaction-M.Com

The first session of the M.Com Industry Interaction Programme for the academic year 2018-19 was held on 31st August 2018 at 10.30 am. The Resource person for the programme was Mr. Kevin Barreto, Quality Manager at Rosenberger Electronics, Pvt. Ltd. The session was attended by the students of M.Com Part I and II and the M.Com faculty members.

The Programme began with Asst. Prof. Ms. Sheryl Da Silva introducing the resource person.

Mr. Barreto actively interacted with the students on the topic Root Cause Analysis. He discussed the meaning of a Root cause analysis, how and why it should be determined. The purpose of conducting this analysis is to identify the main cause behind any problem.

The Root causes are classified as operational and systemic causes. He stated that most organizations look at the symptoms of a problem to arrive at a solution rather than looking into the real cause of the issue. Therefore conducting Root cause analysis is of utmost importance.

He explained in greater detail about the basic tools used in determining the causes of problems at the base level such as 5 Why Analysis, Pareto Analysis, Brainstorming, Process Mapping, Cause and Effect Diagram, Fault Tree Analysis, Benchmarking etc. All these tools are widely used by different organizations for successful elimination of problems occurring in any situation.

He also briefed the students about the process of Root cause analysis and the importance of 8Ds in overcoming problems in any situation i.e. Define Team, Define Problem, Choose and verify Interim Containment Action, Define & Verify Root Cause(s), Choose & verify Permanent Corrective Actions, Implement & Validate Permanent Corrective Actions, System prevention actions to prevent recurrence and Team Recognition.

Mr. Barreto’s presentation concluded with an interactive session with the students.

The Programme ended with a vote of thanks proposed by Ms. Zeba Ali Faniband, student of M.Com Part II.
