Talk on Usage of E-Resources

The Library Committee organised a talk cum demonstration for the Post Graduate Students of the College on “How to use E-Resources effectively” on 13th July 2018 at 12 p.m. Dr. Keshav Dhuri Librarian, St. Xavier’s College Mapusa was the Resource Person.

Ms. Manasi Rege, Librarian of Shree Damodar College of Commerce & Economics welcomed and introduced the Resource Person. She requested all the participants to pay attention to the Resource Person, as the theme is most essential for quality learning in the changing scenario of Library Services. She also encouraged the students to use the e-resources available in the College Library.

The Resource person gave a brief presentation cum demonstration covering the introduction about e-resources, the purpose, needs, structure and types of e-resources available. He briefed about N-list (National Library and Information service Infrastructure for scholarly content). N-list was jointly executed by the UGC INFONET Digital library consortium, INFLIBNET center and INDEST AICTE consortium. He elaborated upon the major features of N-list, viz. it has access to e-resources directly from publishers’ websites. It provides full text access of electronic resources and imparts awareness and training programme for college and other institutions. He demonstrated the working of N-list and encouraged students to use it extensively. The students interacted with Mr. Dhuri and got their doubts cleared. Mrs. Shreyl Da Silva, M.Com Programme Coordinator, proposed the vote of thanks.
