Inter Collegiate Badminton Tournament

The Department of Physical Education & Sports of VVM’s Shree Damodar College of Commerce & Economics organised an Inter-Collegiate Badminton Tournament on 12th and 13th July 2018.

11 colleges from different parts of Goa participated in the tournament. The Finals were played between PCCE College Verna and Salgaonkar Law College, Panaji.
PCCE College Verna emerged as winners by defeating Salgoankar Law College 2-1. The Winners were awarded a cash prize of Rs 5000/-, trophy, medals and certificates and Runners-up were awarded with a cash prize of Rs 3000/-, trophy, medals and certificates. The Best player of the tournament award went to Krishnank Fallary of PCCE College.

The Chief Guest for the event was Mr. Adhesh Karwarkar and Guests of Honor were Mr. Sudhakar Naik and Mr. Rajdeep Dessai. Other dignitaries present on the dais were Mr. Vikram Verlekar (Chairman of Sports Council of Vidya Vikas Mandal), Principal Dr. Prita D. Mallya, Vice Principal Dr. Sanjay Sawant Desai, Member of Sports Council Ms. Nirmala Gopinathan and College Director of Physical Education and Sports Mr. Ajinkya Kudtarkar. In her Welcome address, the Principal thanked Mr. Adhesh Karwarkar for his generous contribution of more than Rs. 5 lakhs which had enabled the College to renovate the wooden Badminton court. The Chief Guest urged the students to make the best use of the facilities available to them and to participate in as many activities as possible during their years in the College.

Kamlesh Purohit and Ravidas Ritlal Sharma of First Year B.Com displayed their skills in Sqay Martial Art during a demo session soon after the finals.

The Tournament came to an end with a formal prize distribution ceremony where the winners and runners-up were awarded with prizes. The vote of thanks was proposed by College Director of Physical Education and Sports Mr. Ajinkya Kudtarkar.
