International Day of Yoga

The NSS Unit along with NCC Navy and Army wings of the College celebrated the 4th International Day of Yoga on 21st June 2018. The program began at 7.00 am in the College Multi-Purpose Hall and was attended by 32 teachers and 153 NSS volunteers and NCC cadets.

The Resource person for the function was Mr. Sudhakar Naik, former Director of Physical Education and Sports of the College and an avid yoga enthusiast. He demonstrated various yoga asanas with help of student volunteers. Student volunteer Ms. Bharati Prasad from TY B.Com  started the demonstration with yogic jogging, tadasana, vrikshasana,  adho mukho svanasana, trikonasana, kursiasana, sukhasna and surya namaskar.IMG_20180621_074524_HHT

Mr. Sudhakar Naik elaborated upon the importance of asanas; he enumerated the beneficial effects of regular yoga on health and its contribution to a better life. He showed different techniques of basic breathing Pranayama’s, Nadi Shodhana and Kapalabhati and how performing these can make internal organs stronger. For students he showed some asanas for better concentration during studies. Dr. Sanjay Dessai Vice-Principal, welcomed the resource person and Ms. Mamta Kumari NSS Program Officer, proposed the vote of thanks.
