Orientation Programme for First Year Students

On June 19, 2018, the day the College re-opened for the new Academic Year, 380 First Year students attended an Orientation Session at the Ganesh Daivajna Auditorium from 10 a.m. to 11.30 a.m.

In her introductory remarks, Asst. Professor, Ms. Preksha Chopdekar welcomed the students to Shree Damodar College and narrated a brief history of the College. She then invited Convenors of the various Cells and Committees of the College to brief the students about the various activities conducted by these Cells. Dr. Vishal Chari, Dr. Sanjay Dessai and Dr. Subrahmanya Bhat briefed the students about the NSS, NCC(Army) and NCC(Navy) respectively. Dr. Edwin Barreto and Dr. Sheetal Arondekar gave students an outline of the activities conducted by the Students’ Council and Cultural Council respectively. Ms. Manasi Rege gave students a rough idea of the College Library and the resources available therein. Ms. Namita Neurenkar spoke about the Entrepreneurship Cell, and Ms. Mamta Kumari briefed students about the Certificate Course in Life Skills that all First Year students have to complete. Dr. Shami Pai encouraged students to join the Commerce Club and learn the practical aspects of Commerce through fun and games. Lastly Ms. Lydia Menon gave students a brief idea of mentoring and the remedial and merit coaching classes conducted by the College.

Vice-Principal Dr. Sanjay Dessai urged students to follow all the rules and regulations of the College and to always be punctual.

In her address to the incoming students, Principal Dr. Prita D. Mallya congratulated the students for having been admitted to one of the best Commerce Colleges, with some of the best teaching faculty in the State. She said that all students had joined Shree Damodar College for some specific reason, and now the College and teachers would work together to see that their wishes and desires were fulfilled. Teaching would happen, but it is the duty of students to learn. Learning will not happen unless students ask questions, especially the “Why” question. She urged students to challenge teachers in the classroom and not just accept what was being taught. This would improve the whole teaching-learning experience in the College.

Students should participate in activities, including in their organization – this will improve their overall personalities and enhance qualities such as leadership, team work, etc. which are very important workplace skills. The Principal also stressed the importance of punctuality, timely work, timely return of Library books – learning the value of time is also very important for students. She ended her address by urging students to work hard towards their goal and be honest in all their efforts, and ultimately become good citizens of the country.

After the Principal’s address, the students of FY BBA(FS) and FY BCA left the hall for a departmental orientation. B.Com students were then introduced to the teaching faculty. The session ended with the National Anthem.
