Certificate Course in ‘Microsoft Excel in Finance’

The BBA(FS) Department organized a Certificate Course in MS Excel in Finance for students of SY BBA(FS) from 23rd January to 16th February 2018.

D. Shravan Swarup, B.Com, ACA, DISA(ICAI), Partner at Marathe Rao & Swarup, Chartered Accountants conducted the course. The topics covered were keyboard shortcuts and navigation in Excel, building flexible formulas in Excel which included absolute referencing, logical statements, also included the data management and analysis within Excel like data sorting and filtering and sum if, data mining in Excel using vlookup and also working with text and dates in Excel. Besides, the course also covered creating macros, data validations, trial balance mapping and also spreadsheet debugging skills that included detecting unnecessary macro creation, fixing and eliminating excel errors and other financial functions.

The course was conducted in two sessions of one and half hour each. The attendees developed Excel skills to analyze, rank and disaggregate large volumes of data. The course also addressed theoretical concepts and provided practical experience to succeed in today’s demanding business environment. Faculty members of M.Com and BBA(FS) also attended the course.
