Talk on Management Information Systems

The Computer Science Dept. of the College organized a talk on 15th February in the subject of Management Information Systems for the BCA Final Year students. The guest speaker was Mr. Udayan Guha, General Manager Service-IT Head of Digisol System Limited and also a certified crime prevention specialist.

The session began with the introduction of the speaker by Ms. Prachita  Nayak , a Third Year student.  Mr. Guha introduced topics such as Data Selfie and Work Force Management. The session then went into detail on the layers of management namely Strategic, Tactical and Operational. Mr. Guha provided real life examples to make it easier for the students to grasp the concepts.

Mr. Udayan also provided valuable tips on Internet Security and Data selfie. Asst. Professor Ms.Pooja Pai  Khot  proposed the vote of thanks. The session ended with an interaction session.
