The College organized Niti Samvaad, a National Under-Graduate Student Colloquium and Competition on 3rd February 2018. “Niti-Samvaad” translates as Policy Dialogues and was contemplated as a ground for discourse on policy-making aimed at providing a national platform to students across the country to publicly present their independent and informed views on policy issues concerning the Indian Economy.

Over the years the College has organized various inter-collegiate events and cultural events but Niti Samvaad is the first progressive step that is purely academic and encourages students to formulate their opinions on issues of relevance with respect to the Indian economy, remarked Principal Dr. Prita Mallya. Dr. Manoj Kamat, the Convenor for Niti Samvaad presentePPG_5141d the framework and introduced the Colloquium. Ms. Pallavi Dempo, the Executive Director of Dempo Industries Ltd. inaugurated the event. CA Sheela Gaunekar, President of Vidya Vikas Mandal, welcomed the Chief Guest and the participants and shared the progress made by Vidya Vikas Mandal and its institutions over the years. Ms. Pallavi Dempo congratulated the College for the attempt to kindle the spirit of research in young minds. She observed that this is the first such event in Goa, and stressed the need to encourage greater participation in such events.

The two themes provided to students for Niti Samvaad 2018 were, GST in India: Gains or Pains and The Role of the Manufacturing Sector in India’s Economic Growth.  Christ University Bangalore, M.E.S College, DM’s College and Parvatibai Chowgule College participated in the colloquium. The competition was divided into three rounds. For Round 1, participants were asked to create a research paper; Round 2 was a technical round wherein they were questioned and judged by CA Pankaj Pai Kakode, CA Kalpak Valaulikar and Dr. George Ambaloor. In Round 3, the participants were asked to present their technical write-up in layman’s language to judges Sharmad Raiturkar, Suchita Malkarnekar and Shraddha Hegde. Students of Christ University Bangalore were adjudged the overall winners of Niti Samvaad, 2018 with M.E.S. College Vasco as runners up. Among the individual awards, Anurav Singh (Christ University) won the Best Speaker – Technical Session, Arvind Shanmungam (Christ University) won Best Q&A Session award, Christ University won the Best Paper Award, Aarti Bilani DM’s College won the Best Logical Speaker Award, while Sidharth S. (Christ University) won the Best Non Technical Speaker Award.

The Valedictory Ceremony of the Colloquium was graced by the presence of Mr. Sashwat Gupta Ray, Editor of Gomantak Times. Mr Ray spoke about the need to inculcate the spirit of research in students. He advised the students to look for the “Why and How” behind every matter of importance.

Giving his feedback, Mr. Navin Kumar, faculty member of Christ University, Bangalore observed that everything from the brochure to conducting the competition was well thought out and very well organized and said that they were overwhelmed by the hospitality provided to him and his team. Dr. Sanjay Sawant Dessai introduced the guests for the function, Ms. Lydia Menon and Dr. Lira Menezes Gama proposed the vote of thanks while Ms. Poorva Gude, Ms. Prachi Kolamkar and Ms. Sonia Mascarenhas compered the event.
