Life Skills Training

The Career and Placement Cell of the College organized a training on Life Skills for Final Year Students of B.Com, BCA, BBA(FS) & M.Com. The training session were from 25th September 2017 to 11th January 2018.

Certified Trainer from Impact Training Solutions Ms. Caroline Stewart Silva conducted 4 days sessions on a range of topics. The Art of Communication which included listening skills, Body Language and Power of Concentration was the topic for Session 1; Session 2 was on Social Etiquette & Mannerisms; Teamwork & developing interpersonal skills was covered in Session 3 and Session 4 on Résumé Writing and Email Etiquettes.

The training was conducted batch wise. Batch 1 students of TYBCOM A & B attended the sessions from 25th to 28th September 2017; Batch 2 of TYBCOM C & D students attended from 4th to 9th December 2017; Batch 3 of BBA(FS) & MCOM attended from 11th to 14th  December2017 &  Batch 4 of BCA students attended from 8th  to  11th   January 2018.

We are thankful to the resource person Mrs. Caroline Stewart Silva for conducting the training programme on Life skills which was informative, interactive and will help our students enhance the skills required at the work place.

Overall, the entire module was enthusiastically and positively received by the students.
