Nature Club: Vasundhara Wildlife Week Celebration

IMG-20171005-WA0030Like forests, wildlife is also a national resource, which not only helps in maintaining the ecological balance but is also beneficial from economic, recreational and aesthetic points of view. There was a time when human interference was minimum, the number of wild animals was quite high and there was no problem of their protection or conservation. But, with the expansion of agriculture, settlement, industrial and other developmental activities and mainly due to greed of man, the number of wild animals gradually became lesser and lesser, with the result that several species of animals have become extinct and several others are on the verge of becoming extinct.

pc2Wildlife Week is celebrated all over the country from 2nd to 8th October every year with the view to preserve the fauna. As part of its activities during this awareness week, the College Nature Club “Vasundhara” organized the following competitions on 5th October 2017:-

ESSAY WRITING COMPETITION: An in-house essay competition was organized with an aim to inspire, educate and empower the young minds of students on environment and wildlife. 22 students participated and wrote essays on “WILDLIFE CONSERVATION”.

WILDLIFE PHOTOGRAPHY COMPETITION:  On the eve of wildlife week, a wildlife photography competition was organized for the students, the theme of which was “Living with Wildlife”.

pc1PARTICIPATION IN NATURE CAMP AND BIRD WATCHING SESSION: The South Goa Forest Department organized a Nature camp and Bird watching session on 5th October 2017. A total of 45 students along with two teachers Ms. Mamta Kumari and Mr. Vishal Chari attended the same. The forestry staff took the students through the forest trail to show different types of flora and fauna. The students enjoyed the trip and learned to appreciate Nature and admire life in the wild.
