Field Trip to CIBA

The E-Cell organized a field trip to CIBA for TY B.Com students on 7th and 8th September 2017. Divisions A and C visited on 7th whereas Divisions B and D visited on 8th.

On Day 1 the students were addressed by Amey Karmali whereas on Day 2 the address was by Tushar Sawant. The address covered an introduction to CIBA. The students were informed about the role of this institute in the promotion of entrepreneurship. Set up in the year 2000, CIBA supports innovation and entrepreneurship in Goa. It also provides linkage between academia, industry and research.

CIBA can incubate about 30 companies at any given time. Some of their offerings include:

  • Mentoring & training
  • Modern work spaces
  • Three stages of support – pre-incubation, incubation & post incubation.

The success achieved by CIBA

  • 13500+ hours of entrepreneurship training
  • 3500+ entrepreneurs support
  • 500+ applications on Innovative ideas reviewed
  • 63+ innovative start-ups supported
  • 6 International Awards for Incubators
  • 1 Incubatee Company acquired by European Company

Both speakers impressed upon the students the reasons why students should venture into business. They ended their presentation on the promise that if any student comes up with a business idea, CIBA would help them in the start-up.

The students were then taken around the campus and were shown a 3D printer and a food processing lab.
