Faculty Development Programme -Session 2

session2The Faculty Development Cell conducted a One-day FDP for teachers of the College on the theme “Six Thinking Hats” (STH) 1st April 2017. Around 40 teachers attended the said program conducted by Mr. Pravin Sabnis, Corporate Trainer from Unlearning Unlimited, Panjim-Goa.

The session was handled in form of a participative workshop and involved playing a game based on parallel thinking processes to be played in teams. The resource person demonstrated as to how STH provides a means for groups to plan thinking processes in a detailed and cohesive way, and in doing so, to think together more effectively. The session discussed how STH methodology would result in deliberate focusing of the discussion on a particular approach as needed during the meeting or collaboration session to first explore the problem, and then develop a set of solutions, and to finally choose a solution through critical examination of the solution set.The analysis of Feedback reveals that the participants found the session to be ‘very interactive’ and ‘interesting’.

Principal Dr. Prita Mallya gave a background of the subject and welcomed the resource person. The convener of FDP Cell Dr. Manoj Kamat proposed the vote of thanks at the end of the session.
