img_20160924_134019_hdrBBA (FS) Department organized a session on ‘Showcase Event, Toastmasters’ for the students of Second Year & Third Year BBA (FS) on 24th September 2016.
The Resource Persons were Mr. Raul Almeida, President of Toastmasters International, Margao, Mr.Dnyanesh Kenkare, Mr. Kedar Phadke, Ms. Sejal Shetty, Mr. Valdo Fernandes, and Mr. Manish Gosalia from Toastmasters International, Margao Team.
Toastmasters Club provides a supportive and positive learning experience in which members are empowered to develop communication and leadership skills, resulting in greater self confidence and personal growth.
The session included introduction of the participants for the session, encouraging the students to come forward and speak on the topic given by the Toastmaster.

img_20160924_133752_hdrMr. Raul Almeida informed the students about the working of the Toastmasters club and how they help to erase the fear of public speaking and improve the communication skills. He encouraged the students to give speeches and Mr. Rajdeep Dessai, Second year BBA(FS) student was declared as the Best Table Topic Speaker.
Students enjoyed the session and many expressed their desire to join the Toastmasters Club.
