Students’ Council Inauguration

IMG_7373V.V.M’s Shree Damodar College of Commerce & Economics held the Inauguration of student bodies on 17 August 2016 in the Ganesh Daivajna Auditorium. Dr. Nandkumar Sawant, the Principal of Parvatibai Chowgule College, Margao, was the Chief Guest at this auspicious event.

The event began with a beautiful invocation song and the Chief Guest, along with the other dignitaries, lit the traditional lamp.

IMG_7397Dr. Prita. D. Mallya, the Principal of Shree Damodar College of Commerce and Economics, stressed that all the Council Members need to try to live up to the high standards expected of them. Dr. Mallya reminded the members of the various Student Bodies that, in both Academics and Extracurricular activities, all the other students and teachers would look to the Council Members to set the best example they could.

Kaushik Jain, the General Secretary of the Students’ Council, assured everyone that the council would be open to creative ideas and constructive critique. He promised that the council would work effectively and efficiently to hold numerous fun events in the college.

IMG_7597Later Mr. Edwin Barreto, the Convenor of the Students’ Council, and Ms. Namita Neurenkar introduced the student members of the Students’ Council. The members of the Cultural Council were introduced by Ms. Mamta Kumari and Ms. Sneha Lotlikar. Mr. Sudhakar Naik introduced the members of the Sports Council. Each student member was formally welcomed into their respective Student Bodies with a rose.

The formal Oath Ceremony was led by Vice Principal Dr. Sanjay Dessai. Student members of the various Councils promised to abide by the rules and regulations that govern the Institution, and to carry out the entrusted duties and responsibilities with courage and conviction

The Chief Guest later delivered an inspiring speech about the various ways success is perceived. By using the example of a Rs 500/- note that does not lose its “value” even when crumpled, he implored students to work persistently to build and add intrinsic value to their lives.

Tushar Naik, the General Secretary of the Cultural Council, presented the Vote of Thanks. The event was successfully compered by Miss Savia Da Costa.
