Career Counseling on Skill Development Programs

The Career Cell organized an enlightening career counselling session on ‘Skill Development Programs’ for the students on March 14, 2024 from 2.00pm-3.00pm in class S205. The session aimed to introduce students to the diverse array of Industry Specific Programs provided by the Deshpande Skilling Institute, Hubbali Karnataka in terms of employment opportunities. Ms. Pooja Shanbhag, Assistant Professor in Commerce introduced the Resource Person and provided an overview of the session to the participants. The session was graced by esteemed resource persons, Mr. Raja Mohamad Imamsab, Manager-Mobilization, and Ms. Radha Parashuramhulikatti, Manager-Selection and Orientation, from SkillPlus-R, Deshpande Skilling, Skill Development Centre. Both speakers brought forth invaluable insights into the institute’s mission to empower students and unemployed youth with job-oriented skills for the formal employment sector.

Mr. Imamsab shed light on the SkillPlus & SkillPlus-R initiatives, the institute’s flagship programs aimed at transforming unemployed youth into skilled professionals. He informed that these programs are meticulously crafted to bridge the education-employment skill gap through demand-driven, industry-specific training modules. By nurturing skills tailored to evolving job roles, the institute aims to shape individuals into skilled intrapreneurs, equipped with practical experience and expertise.

The speakers emphasized the institute’s commitment to providing hands-on training in real-world scenarios, ensuring that students gain invaluable experience in their chosen fields. They passionately urged students to consider enrolling in their courses to become industry-ready professionals. 30 students actively participated in the session, finding it immensely informative and beneficial for their career aspirations.
