Visit to Missile Destroyer INS Murmugao

On March 3rd, 2024, 1st Goa Naval Unit, NCC organized a captivating visit to the Missile Destroyer INS Murmugao, from 3:00 PM to 6:30 PM. The primary objective of the visit was to provide cadets with a profound understanding of naval life and operations.

During the visit, cadets were introduced to the fundamental terminology and intricacies of the ship. They had the opportunity to explore its rich interiors, including the barracks utilized by the staff and the engine rooms, gaining firsthand insight into life at sea.

The cadets were exposed to various aspects of ship functionality, witnessing the operation of external guns, familiarizing themselves with the uniforms of the servicemen, and gaining an appreciation for the intricacies of naval operations. They were able to observe the functionalities of essential ship facilities such as the hospital, kitchen, gym, library, pantry, and control rooms, gaining valuable insights into the comprehensive infrastructure required to support life at sea.

The visit provided an invaluable educational experience, allowing cadets to broaden their understanding of naval operations and fostering a deeper appreciation for the dedication and commitment of naval personnel. It was a memorable and enriching opportunity for cadets to witness firsthand the complexities and responsibilities associated with naval life.

32 cadets from our institution, accompanied by the ANO Sub Lt Pretty Louiza Pereira and a total of 170 cadets, 14 ANOs/CTOs, along with PI staff, and other technical Staff had the privilege of attending. This visit provided an enriching experience for our cadets and staff, allowing them to gain valuable insights into naval life and operations.

The visit to INS Murmugao concluded with an enjoyable session of games, in which our institution got 4 out of 10 prizes.  and a delightful tea party. It provided a relaxed and engaging atmosphere for cadets and staff to unwind and socialize after the enriching educational experience aboard the Missile Destroyer. This concluding segment added a touch of camaraderie and enjoyment to the overall visit, fostering positive interactions and lasting memories for all participants.
