Research Workshop Series I on ‘Questionnaire Designing’

The Post Graduate Department of Commerce organized a Research Workshop Series I on ‘Questionnaire Designing’ for the M.Com students. The main objective of the workshop was to provide a practical understanding of how to design a questionnaire. The Resource Person for the session was Dr. Smita Sanzgiri, Associate Professor at GVM’s College of Commerce & Economics, Ponda and alumnus of Shree Damodar College. The workshop started at 9:15 a.m. with a warm welcome and introduction of the Resource Person given by Ms. Petalia Coutinho, of M.Com Part II.

In the first session the she gave an “Introduction to Questionnaire Designing’ wherein she covered how to write, draft and organize a questionnaire. She spoke about the rules to be followed while designing a questionnaire i.e. the questions on the questionnaire should be accurate and related to the research problem. She also explained the types of survey questions. The first session ended at 11.05 a.m. followed by a break.

Post break, students were assigned an exercise that consisted of working out questions based on research topics and their objectives. Four students presented the research objectives they worked on to the audience. The session was very interactive as most of the students raised queries and the Resource Person readily clarified.

The session ended at 1.00 pm with the Vote of Thanks proposed by Mr. Sachin Chaudhary. 71 students attended the session. The Report is contributed by Suveda Durgadas Prabhu, M.Com Part II.
