The Way Forward in Commerce & Accountancy Education

The FD Cell, in collaboration with the TLET Cell, organised an insightful session titled The Way Forward in Commerce & Accountancy Education on 3rd February 2024, from 12:00 pm to 12.30 pm in F-104. Dr. Edwin Barreto, Vice-Principal and Associate Professor in Commerce, led the session as the Resource Person. Mr. Shreyas Dessai, Convenor of TLET Cell, initiated the session by introducing Dr. Edwin Barreto and providing a comprehensive overview of the session to the participants. Dr. Edwin shared key insights from the National Educational Summit on Commerce and Accountancy (NESA) 2024, attended by him from 22nd to 24th January 2024 in New Delhi. The session focused on three main topics: (a) Skill-Based Learning through hands-on practice and real-world applications, (b) Aarambh – A step towards financial independence, and (c) Adopting sustainability as a practice in the education system.

Dr. Edwin emphasized the importance of navigating opportunities in the accounting profession and advocated for a multi-disciplinary approach to learning for students. He encouraged the teachers to have maximum collaboration with the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI). Dr. Edwin mentioned that some of the suggestions given during NESA were student exchange programs, internships at CA offices, student clubs, strengthening industry-academia interactions, software training, group mentorship programs with alumni, financial labs, interdisciplinary projects, offering credits for students who qualify CA exams, faculty training & development, certificate courses with flexible learning modules etc.

The session saw active participation from 30 teaching staff members who engaged in discussions and Q&A sessions with Dr. Edwin. The key takeaways of this session were: embracing technological advancements, fostering industry collaboration, adopting a global perspective, nurturing soft skills, and upholding ethical and sustainable practices. The session concluded at 12:30 pm with Ms. Pooja Shanbhag, Convenor of the FD Cell, expressing gratitude through a Vote of Thanks. The event successfully provided valuable insights into the future of commerce and accountancy education, emphasizing the importance of innovation, collaboration, and a holistic approach to preparing students for the dynamic professional landscape.
