Financial Fitness: Cultivating Your Wealth Potential

The Department of Management Studies organised a One Day Workshop on ‘Financial Fitness: Cultivating your Wealth Potential for TY BBA(FS) and M.Com students on 03rd February 2024 from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm in the Smart classroom.

The objective of this workshop was to raise the level of financial awareness of participants and enable them to use the financial information provided to make better short-term and long-term decisions in managing their finances. The Resource Person for the workshop was the first Goan investment advisor with triple financial qualifications, Mr. Brendon Mascarenhas – Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA), a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) and a Chartered Wealth Manager (CWM).

The event began with a welcome address followed by the introduction of Mr. Brendon Mascarenhas. Mr. Brendon began the session by illuminating the importance of Financial Fitness. He mentioned the basics of Self-finance by providing simple real-life examples highlighting the time value of money and inflation, along with which he taught some basic financial calculations. He also provided insight on emergency fund planning, insurance planning, investment planning, reviewing investments, tax planning and retirement planning in detail. The Resource Person highlighted some newer knowledge about human capital, risk profiling and income expense analyses.

Mr. Mascarenhas explained the calculation of present value, future value, IRR, XIRR, to calculate the return, number of years, and monthly investments. He elucidated ways to analyse and choose the right investments, to manage a portfolio depending on individual goals, asset allocation, mutual funds, liquidity, saving and investment ratios, management of accounts, coverage of insurance and policy comparisons.

19 TY BBA(FS) students and 15 M.Com students attended the workshop. In their feedback, students said it was truly an inspiring and enlightening workshop, and the resource person addressed all their queries very well.
