Training Sessions for IRDA Examinations

The Department of Management Studies organized Training Sessions for IRDA Examinations for the students of SY BBA(FS). The Resource Person was Mr. Nixon Fernandes, Development Officer, LIC. The first session was held on 11th October 2023 in Room F401, the second session was held on 15th October 2023 in Smart classroom and the final session was held on 3 rd February 2024 – Room F401.

Ms. Delisha Rebello, Asst. Professor introduced the Resource Person and Ms. Sushrusha Naik Khandekar gave the highlights of the training programme. In his first session, Mr. Fernandes familiarised the students with the fundamentals of Insurance and discussed the challenges and opportunities for the insurance industry in India. The second session focused on practical aspects such as the practice of insurance through an agency and its license requirements, career opportunities for students in the life insurance sector and the regulatory framework of IRDA.

The third session focused on the procedure for applying for the IRDA examination, documents required, and the fee structure. Through all the three sessions, important contents from the syllabus were discussed and necessary guidance was provided to the students. Mr. Fernandes also shared the handout of study materials with the students for preparation for the IRDA examinations. The sessions were attended by students of SY BBA(FS) A&B. Faculty coordinators of the training programme were Asst. Professors Ms. Delisha Rebello and Ms. Sushrusha Naik Khandekar. Ms. Nitya Bhat, student from SY BBA(FS)A, proposed the Vote of Thanks. The students expressed their gratitude and provided positive feedback for the fruitful sessions.
