Artsy Streetography: A street photography competition

The TechTrendz Club of the Department of Computer Science organized Artsy Streetography, a photography competition for the students of BCA and B.Voc.(ST) from 20th to 25th January 2024 in online mode. The primary goal was to assess their photography skills, adhering to the theme “Street Photography”. Participants had to send their photos to the organizing committee within 5 days, starting from 20th January.

7 students participated in this competition. The judge for the competition was Mr. Sandesh Gaundalker, Visiting Faculty in the Computer Science Department. Evaluation criteria included creativity, composition, storytelling and technical skills.

The winners of the competition were:

1st Place: Mr. Carlon Vaz, TY BCA(B)

2nd Place: Mr. Anirudh Solanki, FY BCA(A)

3rd Place: Mr. Showil Rebello, FY B.Voc.(ST)

The competition was efficiently organized by Mr. Shahid Shaikh from SY B.Voc.(ST) and Mr. Riyano Fernandes from FY BCA(A). Ms. Sneha Prabhudessai was the teacher in-charge of the competition, while Ms. Annette Santimano, TechTrendz Club In-charge, ensured the event’s smooth execution.
