Session on Collaborative and Interactive Teaching Techniques

The FD Cell, in collaboration with the TLET Cell, conducted an enriching session titled ‘Collaborative and Interactive Teaching Techniques’ on 15th January 2024, from 12:30 pm to 1:15 pm in the Smart Classroom. The primary objective was to equip teachers with practical strategies and insights into collaborative and interactive teaching methods, fostering an environment conducive to better learning outcomes. By fostering a collaborative mindset, teachers will be better equipped to create engaging, inclusive and dynamic learning environment that will promote student success. Ms. Swati Bhat, Assistant Professor in Commerce, served as the Resource Person for the session. Mr. Shreyas Dessai, Convenor of TLET Cell, commenced the session by introducing the Resource Person to the audience and providing a comprehensive overview of the session.

Ms. Swati Bhat initiated the session by elucidating the concept and significance of collaborative teaching-learning methods. She presented various strategies, including Four Corner, Round Robin, Team-Pair-Solo, Think-Pair-Share, One Stray, and the Jigsaw method. Real-life examples of successful collaborative learning experiences were shared. She explained various collaborative teaching learning strategies by giving a step-by step demonstration, making the concepts very clear to all. Ms. Swati discussed effective methods for grouping students based on learning styles and strengths. Practical insights into managing diverse group dynamics and addressing potential challenges were also shared.

The second segment focused on incorporating technology in collaborative teaching. Ms. Swati highlighted various digital tools and platforms relevant to the educational context. Further, she discussed the strategies for assessing individual and group performance, ways to balance individual accountability with group success and the need for providing constructive feedback and fostering a growth mindset within the students.

Thus, the session focused on empowering educators to leverage collaborative approaches to enhance student engagement, critical thinking, and overall academic achievement. Ms. Pooja Shanbhag, Convenor of FDP cell proposed the Vote of Thanks and requested the teachers to implement these strategies in their particular subjects to enrich classroom experiences. 44 teaching staff from all programmes attended and benefited from this session. The session was appreciated by all the participants.
