Face Painting Competition

To commemorate National Youth Day, the Red Ribbon Club of the College organized a Face Painting Competition on the topic HIV/AIDS on 12th January 2024 in Hall no.1, 5th Floor, College Central Block. The purpose of this competition was to showcase our students’ artistic talents and to spread awareness about a critical health issue that affects millions of lives globally. Through this competition participants were encouraged to express their creativity and convey important messages related to HIV/AIDS. The competition also aimed to engage students in a meaningful dialogue about understanding and having empathy towards those affected by HIV/AIDS.

4 teams participated in this competition and the participants were judged based on Creativity, Relevance to Theme, Originality and  Message Clarity.

The winners of the competition are:

1st Place- Shreyesh Naik and Samarth Shirodkar(FY B.Com)

2nd Place- Harsha Hallikeri  and Sweeda Cotta(TY B.Com)

The activity was coordinated by Mr. Sanjay Velip, NSS PO-Incharge and Ms. Akshada Gaonkar, NSS PO.
