Career Counseling Session on ‘Future of AI and Emerging Job Horizons’

The Career Cell organised an insightful session on the topic ‘Future of AI and Emerging Job Horizons’ on 12th January 2024 from 11.00 am to 12.00 pm in the smart classroom for the students of all the programmes. The objective of the session was to provide students with insights into the dynamic field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its influence on upcoming job prospects and the career opportunities available.

The Principal welcomed the gathering and highlighted the potential automation of routine tasks and the subsequent emergence of new job roles focusing on managing and enhancing AI systems. She further informed that, as AI becomes more prevalent, there will be a growing need for professionals with the necessary knowledge and skills.  Ms. Karishma Tuenkar, Faculty Department of Computer Science introduced the Resource Person Dr. Roopa Praveen, Director-Admissions and International relations, ASM Group of Institutes, to the participants.

Session Overview: Segment 1: Introduction to AI

Dr. Roopa Praveen initiated the session by introducing students to the concept of AI and its current impact on the business landscape. She discussed the potential automation of tasks across various industries and emphasized the creation of new job opportunities. The speaker shed light on the ethical implications of AI, its role in shaping the future of businesses and the strategies for success in the AI-powered business world.

Segment 2: Key Drivers, Importance of AI, Career prospects

The second segment delved into the key drivers of AI adoption, its significance for management aspirants, and its role in data-driven decision-making. Dr. Roopa illustrated these concepts with industry examples, providing students with a comprehensive understanding of the subject. The discussion also touched upon challenges in AI implementation and future trends in the field.

The session concluded at 12:00 pm with a Vote of Thanks by Ms. Pooja Shanbhag, Convenor of Career Cell.  68 students actively participated in the session, engaging with the Resource Person by posing queries and clarifying doubts. Thus, this awareness-cum-counseling session was successful in preparing students for the evolving dynamics of the job market influenced by AI technologies.
