37th National Games, 2023

37th National Games, 2023, were held in Goa from 25th October till 01st November 2023. 95 students participated as volunteers. Dr. Edwin B. Barreto, Mr. Saurabh P. Raikar, Mr. Dewaraj Hirekurbar, Ms. Eshani Bakhle, Mr. Rahul Naik, Mr. Manu Shelko and Mr. Bharat Sawant monitored and accompanied the student volunteers to the venue. The student volunteers were deployed for Beach football at Colva.

Student volunteers and staff attended briefing and orientation from 25th to 27th October 2023. During this period student volunteers received kits. The beach football match began from 28th October 2023. The staff performed their duties of accompanying students in Balrath buses from pick up points, taking attendance and supervising students. Beach football match would begin at 8.00 am and last match would be at 4.00pm. College staff monitored the students and ensured discipline of students during beach football. The final match was on 1st November 2023. Students performed their duties well. The staff ensured the safety of students during semi-finals and finals.

Student performed following duties as volunteers for beach football: Accreditation, managing media, conducting beach football match, performing match operations, managing venue, maintain hygiene and cleanliness at venue, assisting guests and spectators.

On 31st October 2023, “Prasar Bharti sports” filmed a video with our college students and staff to cheer team India for Cricket World Cup 2023, which was aired on YouTube platform on 2nd November 2023.

The student volunteers and deputed staff attended the closing ceremony of National Games, 2023 on 9th November 2023, which took place at Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukherjee Stadium, Bambolim. The event began at 2.30pm with performances by artistes like Sonia Shirsat, Swaroop Khan and Mukesh Ghatwal. The closing ceremony took place in the presence of Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar, Indian Olympic Association President P T Usha, Chief Minister Dr Pramod Sawant and others. The ceremony ended at 6 pmwith handing over the torch for National Games to Uttarakhand for 38th National Games.
