Overseas Development Camp

NCC Army Wing cadet JUO Aditya Joshi of TY B.Com attended the Overseas Development Campin Thailand and Indonesia from 31st August to 13th October 2023. It was an enriching experience that broadened the Cadet’s horizons, fostering personal growth, cultural understanding, and leadership skills. The camp took place in the vibrant landscapes of Thailand and Indonesia, offering a diverse cultural backdrop for their activities. Spanning two months, the camp allowed for in-depth exploration of both countries.The camp was meticulously organized by the NCC in collaboration with youth organizations in Thailand and Indonesia. The camp provided an opportunity to learn through diverse environments, appreciate different perspectives, and lead effectively in multicultural settings.

On 31st August the cadets reported at Kerala Naval unit and from there Cadets were taken to the Indian Coast Guard Jetty. Before boarding the ship, the Instructor Mr. K. V. Pathak briefed them about the Coast Guard ship SAMUDRA PRAHARI. Different duties were allotted to them at The Bridge (lookout and quarter master duty) and Machinery Control Room. The ship departed from Kochi on 3rd September and reached Bangkok on 16th September.

The Cadets and the ship’s company was divided into parts: Starboard watch and Port watch. All the cadets were given 11 dollars per day for 4 days. On 17th September the Cadets were taken to Pattaya beach for Puneet Sagar Abhiyan where beach cleaning activity was undertaken.  On 21st September the ship made its way to Indonesia (Jakarta). During the sailing to Jakarta the ship crossed the EQUATOR. There were jubilant celebrations of EQUATOR crossing. On 1st October, the ship reached Jakarta Indonesia. On 3rd October cadets were taken to Bakamla headquarters wherein they jointly practiced Zumba followed by yoga and a friendly volleyball match with the Indonesian Coast Guard.  The ship left from Indonesia on 5th October and reached Kochi on 14th October.

The Overseas Development Camp was a life-changing experience, fostering friendships that transcend borders and providing them with invaluable skills and perspectives that will shape their future endeavors. Participating in leadership workshops and survival training, the cadet honed decision-making abilities and learned valuable life skills.
