Session on “Building Resilience: A key to thrive in stressful times”

The Department of Commerce and Management and Counseling Cell organised a session on “Building Resilience: A key to thrive in stressful times” for First Year B.Com students on 12th October 2023. The Resource Person for this session was Ms. Eshani Bakhle, College Counselor.

The objective of the session was to guide students on overcoming stressful situations and build skills of resilience. The session began with an energizer/icebreaker, that allowed students to feel more active and focused. The speaker commenced the session by providing a brief introduction to stress, its effect on the human body and functions and effects of eustress and distress.

The speaker provided students with an online self-assessment scale termed as “perceived stress scale”. The interpretation of the results was explained to students. The results of the scale provide the level of stress an individual experiences ranging from low to high level of stress.

After providing the explanation on effects of stress on body and mind, the speaker explained the concept of resilience. Students were informed about various strategies for building resilience to cope with negative or stressful life events. Students were provided with worksheets such as purpose exercise and stress decision framework. Ms. Eshani guided students on strategies to build resilience, such as changing narrative, spending time outdoors, participating in social activities, adding movement or exercise in one’s routine and finding one’s Ikigai.

The speaker concluded the session with a brief summary. 31 students from First Year B.Com attended the session. Ms. Swati Bhat & Ms. Namrata Ugvekar were the teachers incharge of the session.
